Monday, April 14, 2014

Teaching Tolerance

 (A Memorial for Matthew Shepard)

American society is conflicted with many human civility issues. Throughout history, human civil rights movements have strived to create equality for all races and genders. The most recent for this generation is LGBQT (lesbian, gay, bisexual, queer, and transgender) rights.  The members of society who identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, queer, and/or transgender do not have the equal rights as other members of society. The denial of these basic rights, results in a minority group that is labeled as “different.”  This difference creates two opportunities for society. One is to accept the difference and the other is to persecute.  For far too long, our society has accepted the persecution of members of the LGBQT community merely because it is “different” from the majority standard. 
The persecution of people in the LGBQT community can begin as early as elementary school, and can last all the way through adulthood. Like any issue, it is far better to address it early on, before it becomes a problem. It is the responsibility of our society to create a peaceful environment for all citizens. There is a unique issue that is specific to this community because their "difference" cannot be determined just by looking at the individual. This issue is the process commonly known as "coming out of the closet." This statement itself implies that those who are homosexual or bisexual are to live in a secret, dark, and unauthentic place until they "come out" of hiding and reveal their true selves. This act of having to even be defined by one's sexuality is murdering legitimacy, and in turn murdering our youth.
There is a non-profit organization that is dedicated to presenting an alternative to help bullies and bullied youth. This organization is, Make Beats Not Beat Downs (Sanchez). They structure their alternative assistance through the aspects of art, music, and education. 
In 2007, MBNBD published some astounding statistical findings. They found that nearly 90% of LGBQT students had experienced harassment at school during the 2006 school year.. It is not acceptable for our children to be subject to endure this treatment not only in the world, but also within their school system. School should be a place that fosters confidence, learning, and a sense of community. They shouldn’t have to come to school prepared to defend themselves. This takes away from their true potential.
Another statistic from MBNBD stated that these students might also be more likely to attempt suicide in comparison to heterosexual teens. This statistic shows that there is a very strong need for a focused plan to address the issues among this group in particular. To let this go and turn our heads would be a great disservice to the future of our society. These students need support from their school administration.
The next statistic is very interesting because it doesn’t only affect students of the LGBQT community, but those who may just be perceived as a member. In 2005 the survey stated that students were bullied because of their perceived sexual orientation or gender expression. This indicates a lack of education and understanding among the student body. The amount of pressure that this can cause on a student, as seen in the previous statistics, can be severely detrimental.

In addition to these A sickening range of statistics is also provided on MBNBD’s website:
• Nearly 9 out of 10 LGBT youth reported being verbally harassed at school in the past year because of their sexual orientation
• Nearly half (44.1 percent) reported being physically harassed
• About a quarter (22.1 percent) reported being physically assaulted
• Nearly two-thirds (60.8 percent) who experienced harassment or assault never reported the incident to the school
• Of those who did report the incident, nearly one-third (31.1 percent) said the school staff did nothing in response. (Sanchez)

            To address this issue before it becomes a problem, the role of society’s educators needs to include the teachings of understanding and knowledge, of this way of life. The best unified platform for this would be through our public school systems. The lessons that can be learned in school will set future generations up for a more peaceable environment, and allow students to reach a fuller potential of learning.
Standard educational programs are in place to teach children beyond the setting of their domestic home life. Students learn subjects such as Mathematics, English, History, and Science. They can even go so far as to cover subjects such as Foreign Languages, Art, Philosophy, Health, Psychology, Physical Education, etc. Education is ever growing and expanding. With this current LGBT civil rights movement, society needs to start implementing tolerance classes in the public school systems. Movements are wonderful because they create the opportunity for change and growth. Educators and school boards are responsible for teaching the youth of our society. They are the builders of the future, and they help to sculpt the future leaders of this country.

Through the brilliant lessons from history teachers, society has been taught that civil tolerance is beneficial. The current standard of addressing tolerance issues is to address them after an incident has occurred. This means that if two students have an altercation, educators will counsel the parties involved about tolerance. This is a retroactive approach. The problem needs to be addressed before issues arise and it’s too late. Teaching a tolerance class will only provide students with more knowledge and understanding. This needs to be a class that is carried from kindergarten through senior year. This class setting will not only assist in the issues that homosexual and bisexual students currently face, but also with any student who faces adversity. 

(Harvey Milk)

In addition to implementing a tolerance course, we need to integrate the teachings of non-traditional lifestyles into other classes such as history. For instance, throughout history homosexuals and bisexuals have been present. Historical figures such as Socrates, Aristotle, Michelangelo, Leonardo Di Vinci, Alexander The Great, Walt Whitman, Oscar Wilde, Virginia Woolf, Frida Kahlo, Harvey Milk, and Eleanor Roosevelt (to name a few) have been known to be either homosexual or bisexual  (“Famous LGBT People”). Giving students a figure to relate to helps to bridge the gap in what is actual tradition, and what is an agenda that is being taught. It aids in the acceptance of the LGBQT lifestyle. It shows that it is traditional, rather than implying that it is not, and therefor creating the idea that this behavior is not acceptable.
Unlike any other generation, future generations will be leading our countries, maintaining our societal functions, and raising our future generations. Teaching them acceptance will only bring beneficial outcomes. In a sense, we are handicapping our own youth by not teaching this as a subject. The world is full of differences and nontraditional standards. The time for us to model our constitution when it comes to the teachings of youth is now. The suicide and hate crime rate amongst k-12 homosexual and bisexual students must drop. Let us start a movement when will allow for a day that homosexual and bisexual student hate crimes and suicides are something of the unfortunate past. Let those memories live in a closet to be locked up, and never to come out.

If you, or someone you know needs more information please visit the Mathew Sheppard Foundation’s website for LGBQT teens and allies at

Works Cited 
“Famous LGBT People.”. Association of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual & Transgender Issues in Counseling of Alabama. ALGBTICAL, 2014. Web. 14 Apr. 2014.
Sanchez, Mark. “Facts & Statistics.” Make Beats Not Beat Downs. MBNBD, 2013. Web. 14 Apr. 2014.